Last Update: 14.05.2018. By Jens in Developers Life | Learning | Newsletter
Snake oil salesman, too cheap, does not work, who is this guy and some more were the responses I got from devs when I was looking for feedback to a side-project of mine from peers.
What did I do?
Nothing fancy. I put an MVP online, which is essentially a single-page service offer. A sales page.
The offer is to build a Minimum viable product as a web app for a fixed price of 24.997 Euros, yep 25k. Split into two phases, a discovery phase to talk about business outcomes and what we need for that in the MVP. And as a second, the implementation and delivery of the MVP. Offered separately.
Before I continue, would be cool if you just hit reply and tell me your reaction to it. Thank you :-)
If you happen to understand German, feel also free to read the sales page under
So, now let’s continue.
All devs I’ve talked to were trapped in some biases. Mainly in the perspective of a guy implementing stuff of traditional projects. Yep, those ugly ones, with scope creep and more.
From that point, it sounded ridiculous to offer a fixed price app because of exactly the scope creep. And not for that price. It is too low.
Interestingly, their perception changed during our chat. The key to solving those problems is the paid discovery phase at the beginning. And of course, a call before we even start.
Does it work?
I don’t know.
It’s an MVP.
MVPs are there for validating.
In my case, it validates if non-tech founders accept the offer.