Accessing Data

When working with data storages the first choice in the Spring Universe is Spring Data.

What is Spring Data actually?

I covered this in an article called What is Spring Data actually? a while ago.

Getting Started


Getting Started With Spring Data MongoDB Tutorial


Basics covered in Spring Boot: How To Get Started and Build a Microservice.


Basic Auditing

One of the many things Spring Data offers is a basic auditing functionality. It is great if you only need to track who made changes to your model and when. So, let’s stop the talking and dive into it.

How to Use Basic Auditing with Spring Data


In this tutorial, I show you an easy way for handling pagination when you use Spring Data and Spring MVC in your application you might not be aware of. The first part of the article covers how you can use pagination in Spring Data.

Easy Pagination With Spring Data and MVC

Common Tasks

Quick REST API for Spring Data Backend

There’s an easy way to build a REST API for your Spring Data repositories instantly. It doesn’t matter if you are using JPA, MongoDB or any of the other stores available with Spring Data. Spring Data REST is the little helper. In this tutorial, we will take a closer look at how you can use it.

Expose Your Spring Data Repositories as a REST API