Pocket Guides

Pocket guides are step-by-step training guides to help you grow as a developer. They’re short, focused and for beginners.


Individual Guides - Spring Framework

  1. Build your first Microservice with Spring Boot Get started with Spring Boot and learn how to build your first microservice with it whle learning the basics of Spring Core too.
  2. Secure your Microservice Learn how to secure your microservice and integrate it with a single-page application written in Angular.
  3. Intermediate Microservices with Spring Boot Learn how to make our microservice reliable by using standard strategies and patterns of the microservice architecture.

Non-Technical Books

I also write about things that help me grow as a person and becoming a better version of myself.

  1. Minimalism sucks: Minimalism is great and can help you, not only with de-cluttering rooms but also with de-cluttering your mind . Yet, the zealots and dogmas are a problem. Hence a practial approach to it.

    On Amazon or
    On Audible

  2. Find Your WHY: A workbook teaching you how I found my WHY and you can too. My WHY drives me. Yet, it is not passion, more a purpose.

    On Amazon or
    On Audible

  3. LOGBOOK clarity: A daily journal for getting more clear about your life but guiding you with a couple of questions.

    Red Edition
    Feline Edition

Find your WHY and the LOGBOOKs are also available in German on Amazon.