Last Update: 02.02.2018. By Jens in API Series | APIs | Newsletter
Now that we can register a new user and login, it is time for assigning boards to the logged in user.
We do so in the TaskService like:
public List<Board> getBaords() {
return boardRepository.findAllByUser(((UserPrincipal )SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication().getPrincipal()).getId());
public Board createBoard(Board board) {
board.setUser(((UserPrincipal )SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication().getPrincipal()).getId());
Via the SecurityContextHolder, we can get at any place in our code, as long as it is running in the same thread. THe Principal is a representation of the logged in user, and we provided our own before by returning UserPrincipal in the UserDetails_Service.
So, the first filters the board lists by the user and the second will add the userid when we create a new board.