Game Development Resources - Part 3: Content - 3D Models and Textures

Last Update: 26.05.2007. By azarai in game development | resource tip

Now you got your terrain and can probably already walk on it, buts boring. There isn’t anything your your wide world. You need the famous content, specially 3D models and textures. Stuff you see and can interact with. Thats a hard point for the normal average coder and much will struggle. You will either need an artistic “talent” and are willing to learn the tools or have some artist which do the work. Dont underestimate this point. Spend money or model yourself and look for supporting artist later when your almost finish with game handling.

Game Development Resources - Part 2: Content - Creating Terrains

Last Update: 26.05.2007. By azarai in game development | resource tip

One of the first content you will need is a terrain, a place where your characters can walk over. There are two possible mainstream ways for creating one in most game engine, via heightmap or mesh (just a normal model). Most of the terrain creation tools we’ve tested could also export the terrain as a mesh (3ds or obj).

Game Development Resources - Part 1: Choosing a Game or Render Engine

Last Update: 26.05.2007. By azarai in game development | resource tip

Lately Kerim and i got interested in Game and 3D Graphics Development again and were thinking about resurecting our old afford from last year, MBWS. Guess you never heard of it and that’s no wonder at all. We didn’t release more then a short terrain test demo. After some struggling with the engine, we finally got distracted by other stuff. Anyways now we are back, but with a different goal and way. But we’d like to share some experience and tools we found.

Generating Names automatically

Last Update: 15.05.2007. By kerim in game development | python | snipplet

Ever tried to create names for Roleplaying Games (and other things) ?
In the process of implementing an MMORPG i asked myself how that could be done. Might be usefull for NPCs for example.
I found a nice article here about the topic but sadly the code didn’t work anymore.