Last Update: 07.12.2007. By kerim in python
The idea:
A simple webbased application that will resize any image of yours immediately and give it back to you.
Last Update: 24.09.2007. By kerim in python
I wrote a small script that allows for an application to restart. Perhaps it is usefull for others. There are several use cases like “autoupdating” or changes in preferences in the program that require restarts.
Last Update: 14.09.2007. By azarai in django | python
This time i’ll talk about my experiences made by building our blog/tiny cms system. It’s still in development as some features are missing i’d came up since Part 1 and like to implement, but its already in a useful working state and it urged me to switch :-) The code will be published when i am sure where to host svn and which open source licence i’ll use.
Last Update: 30.07.2007. By azarai in django | python
This time i am going to define our model for a basic system. The basic version should handle content i.e. blog posts and supports tagging for them. All other feature will come later and get their own post.
Last Update: 21.07.2007. By azarai in django | python
At the very beginning of our blog, we had to decide if we are going with a self written bloglike system or a mature existing one. After some discussion a self written was out of scope back then and so i evaluated a few blog systems and finally settled with serendipity. But it was a compromise as most of the software were to bloated with stuff we probably never use and complicated to adjust our needs (php sucks :-) ) or imho had a bad software design. Lately we got bugged to much and in particular i had the idea of redesigning the site again and didn’t feel like learning to customize s9y. That was the resurrection of writing an own system. It was clear from the beginning it has to be with python and django as we both were very pleased with the concept and working of this combo. So i did some research if someone has already done this and found some solutions with the most interesting by Dave. Hes offering his source via svn so one can look how he did it. I took a look and found it straight forward, which got me started playing around for a while.
Last Update: 28.06.2007. By kerim in python
My wife had some trouble with excelsheets and scripts that had to be created from these sheets. In particular she had to filter the sheet and exclude certain values. Then from the resulting set she had to extract the data of one column only. And for each row in that column she had to create 4 commands that were inserted in a batch file. This batchfile had to be saved as a unix encoded file, transfered via ftp and then was used in another process.
Last Update: 31.05.2007. By kerim in game development | pygame | python
Ok, its play time again.
Since Azarai already told you about our newly awakened interest in 3D programming and since he already made some posts about engines, textures, terrain editors etc. I thought i gave you a small intro into something totally different: PyGame.
For an idea I (we) have i thought i might give good old 2D a chance first especially since some 3D engines made my blood boil lately.
Last Update: 15.05.2007. By kerim in game development | python | snipplet
Ever tried to create names for Roleplaying Games (and other things) ?
In the process of implementing an MMORPG i asked myself how that could be done. Might be usefull for NPCs for example.
I found a nice article here about the topic but sadly the code didn’t work anymore.
Last Update: 08.04.2007. By kerim in gui | python
I am not sure if wxPython has a textfield allowing only for numbers (floats or ints).
I found an old mailinglist entry for such a thing and made some changes to the code.
Last Update: 08.04.2007. By kerim in matrix | python
Hi everybody,
Azarai has some problems with his new hoster, mainly the problem that he only as one ftp account.
This causes me a lot of trouble since i can’t easily upload new releases (if there are any at all).