Measuring memory consumption with python

Last Update: 26.03.2007. By kerim in python

Ever wanted to show your free memory (or other things) in the system tray ?
Since i had a really bad celeron based desktop with 1 gigabyte ram and eclipse consuming some 500 megabytes alone i so often ran into trouble that i thought i might just as well program some tracking program to know when it is time to close some of the applications that i run in paralel.
Since by now i have a 2 gigabyte core 2 duo tower the program is not really needed (for now) anymore.
But i thought i could share it still.

MailSneaker - Part 4: small snipplets to wrap things up

Last Update: 07.03.2007. By kerim in python | tutorial

MailSneaker Part 4: Wrapping it up the simple way

Matrix 0.4b is ready (almost) ;-)

Last Update: 07.03.2007. By kerim in matrix | python

Thanks to Azarai’s wonderful migration to a new host i can’t upload my new Matrix code here but i already uploaded it to google code at least.

Review: Feedjack

Last Update: 17.02.2007. By azarai in python | review

Remember Feedjack? The feed aggregator written in python with django webframework i wrote a while ago about. Today i’ll give you a short summary of it, as i’ve lately installed a version for my own personal use. Of course you can use it too. Check it out.

my 5 cents

Last Update: 15.02.2007. By kerim in python

Azarai insists on having a tinnitus. He laments so much i already thought about implementing a small sound program for him to check his ears :-)
I was surprised to see some 10 subscribers here this week.
Sad that nobody takes the time to offer a comment. Would help me to decide what to do next.


Last Update: 15.02.2007. By kerim in python

Last Update: 2007-03-01 (fixed download links)

Matrix 0.4 is out

Last Update: 30.01.2007. By kerim in matrix | python

Another day, another release.
This time i included find (ctrl-f) and replace (ctrl-r).
I didnt have time to test it really and i EXPECT (a few) bugs in those two functions.
Chances are that some things are annoying (search forward, then backward will first give you the last hit again for example).

MailSneaker - Part 3 SystemTray/TaskBar-Icons with Python and wxPython

Last Update: 26.01.2007. By kerim in python | tutorial

Welcome to part 3 of the mailsneaker series.
This entry is UNRELATED to the code of the former two parts !
You can use it seperately.
Today we are going to implement a SystemTrayIcon with a small and nice menu.
Ok, it’s actually NOT called SystemTray. But everybody calls it that way.
We can also say TaskBarIcon although in my view that naming is even more horrible than the other.

MailSneaker - Part 2: POPing and pickling !

Last Update: 23.01.2007. By kerim in python | tutorial

Ok .. last time we made a small imap fetcher.
I got some remarks that it would only look in the INBOX and that might not be what we want.
Just include a new parameter in the fetch method with the name of the inbox you want to scan and pass that on to the imaplib.
Today we will add a pop3 fetcher and a generic class for mailaccounts so that the user later can run the program against several accounts.

MailSneaker - Building a mail account watcher !

Last Update: 21.01.2007. By kerim in python | tutorial

We are going to buid a small program to check periodically for our mails. And to make it as unobtrusive as possible we let it settle in the taskbar, check for mails and (if there are new mails) it will tell us with a small popup or a change in the icon in the taskbar. We want to be able to open a browser then and have a look at the mails.. Perhaps we include a small preview of the mails … We will see.
To make it a little bit more powerfull we want several accounts to be checked. Configurable of course :)