Building APIs with Java - Framework Overview

Last Update: 24.11.2017. By Jens in APIs

When building APIs in Java, we have some more options than just Spring Boot. No, I am not talking about JEE. We actually have some more options.

API Documentation with OpenAPI

Last Update: 21.11.2017. By Jens in APIs | API Business

This is the fourth part of the API documentation series. In the last part we explored RAML as a solution, and in this article, we are covering OpenAPI.

API Documentation with RAML

Last Update: 17.11.2017. By Jens in APIs | API Business

This is the third part of the API documentation series. In the last part we explored the first solution using API Blueprint a bit, and in this article, we are covering RAML.

API Documentation with API Blueprint

Last Update: 15.11.2017. By Jens in APIs | API Business

This is the second part of the API documentation series. In the first, we covered for whom the documentation is written, what it should contain and the three different types of writing it. Starting with this part, we dive a bit deeper into the latter and explore some standard formats and ways of writing.

API Documentation Overview

Last Update: 10.11.2017. By Jens in APIs | API Business

Documenting your API is extremely important. Without documentation, nobody, not your product owner, devs or your customers know what your API does and how to use it. In this article series, we will take a look at common ways of documenting, their advantages and disadvantages and explore different solutions.

Building an API is a Joint Venture of Tech and Business

Last Update: 09.11.2017. By Jens in APIs | API Business

APIs have gone a long way from a purely technical thing to now being a core business. Many businesses depend so much on their APIs that they would go out of business when the APIs fail. But whos responsible for building and maintaining?

Change is Inevitable - Do you Adapt or Go Extinct?

Last Update: 06.11.2017. By Jens in Developers Life | Learning

I recently stumbled upon a cartoon which made that really visually - it is a bit harsh but pretty accurate.

leaves change


Last Update: 17.10.2017. By Jens in APIs | Learning

Or when is a REST API a REST API? That is the question. And there is no easy answer. Let’s take a closer look.

Get Your DB Model as a Method Parameter in Your Controller

Last Update: 07.09.2017. By Jens in Spring Boot | Spring MVC | Spring Data

In your Spring MVC application, you will usually have at least one endpoint which accepts and ID as a path variable or request parameter, and often the next thing you will do is to load the model from your Spring Data repository. However, there is an easier way as you will see in a minute.

Easy Pagination With Spring Data and MVC

Last Update: 31.08.2017. By Jens in Spring Boot | Spring Data | Spring MVC

In this tutorial, I show you an easy way for handling pagination when you use Spring Data and Spring MVC in your application you might not be aware of.