Last Update: 16.10.2018. By Jens in Newsletter
This unnecessary server and cronjob of yesterdays mail was only the tip of the iceberg. It got worse as I had to run the scripts manually to trigger an import.
Last Update: 15.10.2018. By Jens in Newsletter
I know our society and also our dev world loves more. More CPU, more RAM, more Services, more Layers, more X. But that more is not always good. Maybe we can even argue if it is good at all, but not in today’s mail.
Last Update: 12.10.2018. By Jens in Newsletter
Reader Onno chimed in and reminded me that there is also Spring Cloud Function which aims helping with serverless the Spring way. Maybe it works, maybe not. I haven’t used it.
Last Update: 11.10.2018. By Jens in Newsletter
Yes, it is doable.
Last Update: 10.10.2018. By Jens in Newsletter
Serverless is one of the recent hypes on the block. Is it good? Is it bad?
Last Update: 09.10.2018. By Jens in Newsletter
Ah, this interview I talked about yesterday is still on my mind. Fascinating what you can learn by just listening to people and asking a few questions. Anyways, I am going to bend the subject line a bit.
Last Update: 08.10.2018. By Jens in Newsletter
Trust is the base of all relationships.
Last Update: 05.10.2018. By Jens in Newsletter
When you start about building your own Saas you will inevitably come across the concept of MVP - a minimum viable product. And that last word is confusing devs like hell. Because we actually think in products. And a product for us is an application. A working one.
Last Update: 04.10.2018. By Jens in Newsletter
Probably the dream of almost every dev. Creating your own Saas and quitting your fucking job. Right?
Last Update: 02.10.2018. By Jens in Newsletter
A few years ago I was building a storage service for digital assets like images and videos and PDFs for products. Was quite fun but I had to code everything from scratch. I always thought of putting something similar up and open source it. Unfortunately, I never came around for that. Luckily, someone else did and wrote the unofficial Spring Content lib. It’s like Spring Data for storing files.