RE: How's the ideal seminar for you?

Last Update: 01.10.2018. By Jens in Newsletter

Maybe you missed my email or haven’t had time to respond yet. No worries but I really loved to get your help here. So, it would be great if you can answer a few questions informal; no need for fluffy copy.

Does an abstract Spring Boot app work?

Last Update: 28.09.2018. By Jens in Newsletter

Sometimes students do things I never thought about doing at all before. It astonishes me but it will also always teach me something. Like in a recent training, where one student made the Spring Boot application class abstract like:

Remember that others don't have your knowledge

Last Update: 27.09.2018. By Jens in Newsletter

We always assume that all others know what we know. But it is far from being true at all. Everyone on a team has different knowledge and also a different level even on the same kind of knowledge. So, if something is easy for you, it does not mean it is easy for your fellow devs. Same for things that are obvious or common sense…

Know the basics of your tools of trade

Last Update: 26.09.2018. By Jens in Newsletter

Whatever your tools are, know them and know the basics.

Ask questions all the time

Last Update: 20.09.2018. By Jens in Newsletter

Yesterday I was working for the stone age project again. We had a meeting with the actual client, the guy paying for our proof of concept. You might remember it is an enterprise client. He’s a manager in the marketing department. Anyways, so after we talked about the proof of concept, I started asking him things like what products and product options sale best, what people actually select in their online configurator and later buy and such things. I won’t bore you with the details but he said one interesting bit that is relevant for you when working in an enterprise environment.

Small things scale up and your coding skills can too

Last Update: 19.09.2018. By Jens in Newsletter

Roughly 10 months ago, I switched to a writing each workday here. Yep, except for my summer break, I write 5 days a week. That’s a lot.

Why believing in yourself is essential for better money

Last Update: 18.09.2018. By Jens in Newsletter

Doesn’t matter if salary, rates or you start to sell some products. If you don’t believe in yourself and that whatever you sell is worth the price you are asking for it, it will not work.

Keep methods short

Last Update: 14.09.2018. By Jens in Newsletter

I am working on the project from the stone-age again and some devs definitely had a knack for writing long methods. Very loooooooong methods.
The longest one I was analyzing yesterday was roughly 4 or 5 screen heights long (laptop) with lots of conditions and loops. It was hard to follow and I lost several times where I was in the logic.

Change how you look at problems

Last Update: 13.09.2018. By Jens in Newsletter

Problems look differently depending on where you stand. And if you only look from one, you might miss a good solution to it. Or maybe even miss that what looked like a problem is no problem at all. And the closer you are to the problem, the harder it gets to see something else or from a different angle. It’s human. We devs are no exception.

RE: About what do you care?

Last Update: 10.09.2018. By Jens in Newsletter

Apparently, no one cares.