Last Update: 27.12.2010. By azarai in python | snipplet
For my cv i maintain a list of all projects i worked on to give a bit more information than a typical german cv does. Each project entry contains a name and description, what my job and role was and which technology was mainly used and when it was. I used OpenOffice several years for this task, but was never quite lucky with it as i always had to fix the layout after i added a new entry… But this time it bothered me once too often, so i had to code something :-)
I looked at various ways to produce pdfs and decided that i didn’t want to mess with pdf generation directly, specially layouting. But i can outout html pretty fast and there are plenty solutions out there with will “convert” html to pdf. So, pdf generation is not covered here (I used wkhtmltopdf ).
<starttime> - <endtime>
<roles in project>
<technoligies used>
At least the starttime needs to be in the format MM.YYYY. The keywords Job, Role and Technology are case-sensitive.
10.2009 - 10.2010
Ich bin der Projektname
Es ging um a
und c
OOAD, Aufwandsschätzungen
Architekt, Entwickler, Tester
Java, Tomcat 5/5.5/6
I’ve implemented the parser as a simple state machine with no syntax tolerance; so formating errors might break it. And i allowed markdown inside of the project and job description. The code is commented and should be self-explanatory. Feedback is appreciated.
The Code:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import re, os, sys
from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader
import markdown
#define states
state_time, state_name, state_desc, state_job, state_role, state_tech = range(6)
#setup jinja2
template_store = '.'
env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(template_store))
projects = {}
state = state_time
current_project = None
key = 0
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
exit("No project list given")
print "Reading file %s" % sys.argv[1]
#start reading project file line by line
for line_raw in open(sys.argv[1], 'r').readlines():
line = unicode(line_raw, "utf-8")
if re.match("[0-9]{2}\.[0-9]{4}.*", line):
time = line.strip()
projects[key] = {}
projects[key]['time'] = time
current_project = projects[key]
current_project['desc'] = ''
current_project['job'] = ''
current_project['role'] = ''
current_project['tech'] = ''
state = state_name
key += 1
elif state == state_name:
current_project['name'] = line.strip()
state = state_desc
elif state == state_desc:
if not re.match("Job", line.strip()):
current_project['desc'] += line
state = state_job
current_project['desc'] = markdown.markdown(current_project['desc'])
elif state == state_job:
if not re.match("Role", line.strip()):
current_project['job'] += line
state = state_role
current_project['job'] = markdown.markdown(current_project['job'])
elif state == state_role:
if not re.match("Technology", line.strip()):
current_project['role'] += line
state = state_tech
elif state == state_tech:
current_project['tech'] += line
print "Successfully build the projectlist"
print "Generating the html page"
template = env.get_template('template.html')
content = template.render(projects=projects).encode('utf-8')
path = os.path.join("index.html")
file = open(path, 'wb')
print "Done"
Usage in the template:
{% for pkey in projects.keys() %}
<table class="event">
<tr class="dummy">
<td> </td>
<td class="date"><h1>{{projects[pkey]['time']}}</h1></td>
{{projects[pkey]['role'] |trim |replace("\n", "<br/>")}}
{{projects[pkey]['tech'] |trim |replace("\n", "<br/>")}}
{% endfor %}