A flash game portal with python

Last Update: 02.06.2010. By azarai in python | tools

Some month ago i wrote about the mochiads api and introduced my python mochi lib for working with some aspects of the moch ads api. I did also mention i was writing something, and tada was a game portal for flash games. After some hacking time i opened up my own flash game protal, sumosaru.com and forgot it til today :-) And now i’ll share the code with you.

The concept

I wanted to have most of the site in a static form and also refresh some parts only when a new game was added. For adding new game i am using the autopost feature of mochiads (check their docs for setting it up).

How it works
  • browse mochiads game dir
  • On games you like hit the “post to my site” link
  • mochiads will now make a POST to the url (/autopost of the app) you gave it in the config with the tag of the game
  • our site will fetch the game and extract it to the media dir
  • generate a page for the game
  • put the game on the start page
  • generate an index page of all games
  • add game to a list of published games
  • Use the /rebuild action to regenerate the whole site

Required lib

The code

# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
from newf import Application, Response
from shutil import move
import pickle
import os
from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader

from mochi import get_game, list_games
from mochi.autopost import fetch_game

class Site(object):

PUBLISHER_ID = 'your publisher id'
mediastore = 'dir to store the media'
template_store ='./templates'

site = Site()
site.name ='Sitename'
site.media_pfx = '/'

category_file = os.path.join(mediastore, 'categories')

env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(template_store))

def render_game(game):
    template = env.get_template('game_detail.html')
    return template.render(game=game, site= site).encode('utf-8')

def render_index(game):
    template = env.get_template('index.html')
    return template.render(game=game, site= site, showabout=True).encode('utf-8')

def load_categories():
    categories = {}
        if os.path.exists(category_file):
            file = open(category_file, 'rb')
            categories = pickle.load(file)
        return categories

def render_categories():
    categories = load_categories()
    template = env.get_template('game_list.html')
    return template.render(categories=categories, site= site).encode('utf-8')

def write_file(filename, content):
    path = os.path.join(mediastore, filename)
    file = open(path, 'wb')

def add_game(game):
    write_file(game.slug + '.html', render_game(game))    
    write_file('index.html', render_index(game))

    categories = load_categories()

    #funny, but some games do not have the category attribute
        category = game.category
    except AttributeError:
        category = game.categories[0]

    if categories.has_key(category):
        list = []
        categories[category] = list

    file = open(category_file, 'wb')
    pickle.dump(categories, file, -1)

    write_file('list-of-all-games.html', render_categories())

def autopost(request):
    game_tag = 'None'

    if request.POST.has_key('game_tag'):
        game_tag = request.POST['game_tag'].value

    game = fetch_game(PUBLISHER_ID, game_tag, mediastore)
    #game = get_game(mediastore, game_tag=game_tag)


    return Response("ok")

def view_categories(request, **kwargs):
    return Response(render_categories())

def view_game(request, **kwargs):
    slug = kwargs['slug']
    game = get_game(mediastore, slug=slug)
    return Response(render_game(game))

def rebuild_site(request):
    games = list_games(mediastore)
    games.sort(key=lambda s: s.local_last_modifified)

    move(category_file, os.path.join(mediastore, 'categories_bak'))
    for game in games:

    return Response("done")

urls = (
    (r'^/autopost$', autopost),
    (r'^/list-of-all-games/$', view_categories),
    (r'^/rebuild/$', rebuild_site),
    (r'^/(?P<slug>.*)$', view_game),


application = Application(urls)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from wsgiref.simple_server import make_server
    server = make_server('', 8002, application)

And now you only have to create the templates :-)