Last Update: 24.01.2010. By azarai in python
Some time ago while going to work one of those silly ideas sneaked into my mind. I started wondering how it would look like if i take a picture, grayscale it and replace ranges of gray with a color. I’d image something like popart, you know. But i got more curious about the result if only the computer did the work.
After some coding i made these. I am using colourlovers for the color palettes and i create for each picture 2 variants for a palette.
Examples of 5 color silhouette girls which some people think are NSFW
The Code (should be self-explanatory):
from PIL.Image import open, new
from PIL.ImageColor import getrgb
from PIL.ImageOps import grayscale
import os
import json
import urllib2
inputdir = '<your dir with images>'
outputdir= '<save generated images here>'
def get_rgb(colors, index):
return getrgb('#' + colors[index])
def colorfun(pixels, colors):
new_pixels = []
for pixel in pixels:
if pixel < 50:
color = get_rgb(colors, 0)
elif pixel < 100:
color = get_rgb(colors, 1)
elif pixel < 150:
color = get_rgb(colors, 2)
elif pixel < 200:
color = get_rgb(colors, 3)
color = get_rgb(colors, 4)
return new_pixels
if not os.path.exists(outputdir):
for x in range(10):
response = urllib2.urlopen('')
palettes =json.load(response)
palette = palettes[0]
if len(palette['colors']) != 5:
print 'not five colors'
print 'using palette %s ( %s )' % (palette['title'], palette['url'])
for file in os.listdir(inputdir):
(file_basename, file_extension)=os.path.splitext(file)
print 'processing %s' % file_basename
output_name = file_basename + '_' + palette['title'] + file_extension
colors = palette['colors'][:]
img = open(os.path.join(inputdir, file))
pixels = grayscale(img).getdata()
img2 = new(img.mode, img.size,)
img2.putdata(colorfun(pixels, colors)), output_name))
output_name = file_basename + '_' + palette['title'] + "_dec" + file_extension
img2 = new(img.mode, img.size,)
img2.putdata(colorfun(pixels, colors)), output_name))