Spring Boot Book - Resources

I created this resource page for you, so you have all links from the book in one place.

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Source Code

You can find the source code on Github:


Spring Boot School

The Spring Boot School is a central place to help you navigate in the Spring Boot world. It contains reminders, tutorials, etc. in a structured manner.

Further Reading

API Security

I cover four ways of how to integrate a microservice with a single-page application securely in Spring Boot and Single-Page Applications. We are using the same microservice and pair it with an Angular application. The focus is on the Spring Boot backend and security.

Microservice Reliability

In Spring Boot Intermediate Microservices we cover common strategies and patterns of how to make our microservice more reliable by using the power of Spring Cloud and Netflix OSS.

Resources from the book

  • Spring Initializer simple webtool for making the initial creation of a Spring Boot application easier. If you are using Spring Tool Suite, you can directly create new Spring Boot projects inside it.
  • For further reading on how to create Spring Data JPA queries
  • If you want to continue with using OAuth2 in your services: OAuth2


REST API client

  • Postman Great tool for testing web APIs.