
Last Update: 08.10.2018. By Jens in Newsletter

Trust is the base of all relationships.

If you don’t trust the other person, your relationship will suck.

Love, family, work, whatever. Does not matter.

However, I am not interested in your love or family life as far as it is concerned with these emails. Nope, but your work relationships count.

I had a fascinating interview with a potential coaching client about his problems to work with his developers. Yep, he has a bunch of them. Yet, still, they are like Klingons to him. Aliens from outer space. Some parts work, some parts became disasters. You know that. You have been there.

Trust is an important factor in this. If not the most important.

What would you recommend my potential client to gain more trust from his developers? What are you looking for in an employer? What drives you away?