Last Update: 18.09.2018. By Jens in Newsletter
Doesn’t matter if salary, rates or you start to sell some products. If you don’t believe in yourself and that whatever you sell is worth the price you are asking for it, it will not work.
No, it will not work.
If you lack confidence in what you are doing, it shows off. Somehow, somewhere it all shines through.
If you are no confident in your coding skills, your peers will notice it. Your boss will notice it. Your client will notice it.
They can’t know how good you actually are but the sense that you are not confident about your skills. And people like to hire and work with people who are confident in their skills.
Yeah, I know, sounds like bullshit. However, it is not. We humans are complex and not logically at all.
Imagine you are looking for a training on X. Most of the offers you find are around 1200 melons or whatever currency you use. Furthermore, there are two outliners. One that only charges 800 melons and one that charges 1500 melons. They all seem to cover the same content.
Who do you trust more to deliver that X?