Last Update: 31.01.2008. By Kerim in python | tools
Ever since Azarai switched to Django and Markdown i spent too much time trying to make a blog entry look nice. I don’t know why but it definetly is too much for me type in some syntax, save and then have to refresh a browserview.
So … as usual .. the lazy half of me just said: let some tool do that for you. So i created “Markie”, my small WYSIWYG-Markdown editor.
Actually not really much of an archievement since it doesn’t (yet) do much more than the following:
Edit markdown in a left panel (didn’t implement “select all” i just found out lol)
Preview the generated html in either a plain html renderer (no css) or
Preview the generated html in the iexplorer (windows only) using css
Allows you to select the “theme” (meaning more or less the css) to use for generation of the page
Either store the html only or the complete page (including css etc..)
Themes can easily be created by yourself. (just hava a look at the themes directory)
Allows you to move the preview panes so that you have all three views at once available (see screenshot)
DISCLAIMER: It works for ME. Doesn’t mean it works everywhere. Consider ist an alpha with surely many bugs i didn’t bother to find :-))
BSD, do whatever you want with it. IF you create some pages with Markie I appreciate You including some remark and link in the footer of the page.
If you enjoy using Markie, please considering making a small donation to support further development. See the Donation page for more information.
Markie can be found here:
Markie requires the markdown modules Markdown and of course Python . Unzip and run
Side note: We curate a list of Markdown editors. Don’t miss it.