Last Update: 13.03.2018. By Jens in Developers Life | Learning | Newsletter
That’s the most common error when starting with Spring. Most of the time, it is an error made by us and Spring complains rightly. Sometimes, however, it is not one simple, stupid error caused by us. Reader Mark did have one of those rare exceptions last week.
Last Update: 12.03.2018. By Jens in Developers Life | Learning | Newsletter
Did you ever come across a piece of code and you though “wtf??? which idiot did write that junk?”.
Last Update: 02.03.2018. By Jens in Spring Boot | Spring MVC | Newsletter
In this short tutorial, we’ll cover how to receive a webhook from Paddle in Spring Boot properly.
Last Update: 16.02.2018. By Jens in API Series | APIs | Newsletter
In the last recap session, we take a look at doing validations.
Last Update: 15.02.2018. By Jens in API Series | APIs | Newsletter
One way of handling errors in Spring MVC is by declaring a responsible class using the @ControllerAdvice annotation.
Last Update: 14.02.2018. By Jens in API Series | APIs | Newsletter
Swagger is a tool for documenting APIs, primarily driven from a coding side and a universal docs client.
Last Update: 13.02.2018. By Jens in API Series | APIs | Newsletter
When our API is used by anything running in a browser and it this thing running in the browser was not loaded from the same domain our API is running, we will encounter a concept called CORS.
Last Update: 12.02.2018. By Jens in API Series | APIs | Newsletter
I’ve been working on the Kanban tutorial app to make it a better tutorial application. This week, I am going to talk about changes and why and how I implemented them.
Last Update: 09.02.2018. By Jens in Newsletter | Spring Boot | Spring MVC
The RestTemplate is a little helper class that makes calling web requests an easier. Instead of wrangling with protocols and transformation by ourselves, we get that out of the box by Spring MVC.
Last Update: 08.02.2018. By Jens in Newsletter | Spring Boot
Spring Boot is not only for server applications. Did you know you can write command line apps too?