pySVG - 0.2.1

Last Update: 12.10.2010. By kerim in pysvg | python

I just updated pySVG to 0.2.1.

SVG Sierpinski Carpet Generator

Last Update: 20.04.2010. By kerim in natural | pysvg | python | Algorithms

Coded as described in the Construction section (square based part) in Wikipedia. SVG export requires pySVG.

pySVG meets Trundle, the turtle

Last Update: 28.02.2010. By kerim in natural | pysvg | python

My python pySVG just got a mate named Trundle the turtle (named after a turtle in my kids english school book). For a while now I haven’t coded much for pySVG. I had a lot of requests and emails though and one of those involves resurrecting parts of my old abandoned lib for representing natural phenomena.


Last Update: 29.09.2009. By kerim in pysvg | python

I just updated pySVG to 0.2.0 skipping some four 0.0.1s in the process. Go and grab it either as zip directly or take a look at the current repository.


Last Update: 27.02.2009. By kerim in pysvg | python

“Creating svg with python was never easier” … would be nice to be able to use that slogan once on pySVG.

Creating SVG with python

Last Update: 30.01.2008. By kerim in pysvg | python

pySVG is a pure Python library to create SVG documents. I originally created it to have a generic graphics format supported in my (still unfinished) natural library.