Moved code to google

Last Update: 08.04.2007. By kerim in matrix | python

Hi everybody,
Azarai has some problems with his new hoster, mainly the problem that he only as one ftp account.
This causes me a lot of trouble since i can’t easily upload new releases (if there are any at all).

There are also some other drawbacks.
So i decided to switch to googlecode.
This gives me the oppurtunity to take care of bugtracking, allows for a wikki and a discussion board as well.

I created a project page here.

The code for Matrix is already there, i also uploaded the StatusMeter source code in a seperate directory there.
An Exe (no installer but including sourcecode) for StatusMeter is already there as well.

Mailsneaker and HddCleaner will follow and the text of the entry page will be changed over time