Which idiot did write that code?

Last Update: 12.03.2018. By Jens in Developers Life | Learning | Newsletter

Did you ever come across a piece of code and you though “wtf??? which idiot did write that junk?”.

Microservices Are NOT The Solution To Your Problems

Last Update: 01.02.2018. By Jens in Developers Life | Learning

Microservices are not the holy grail of software development as many devs and managers see them. They don’t solve all your problems at once, not even the tech ones. Yet, they follow a fad blindly again. Yesterday it was Agile and SOA, today it’s still microservices and cloud. Instead of solutions, many find themselves facing new problems; worse problems.

How I learn

Last Update: 27.11.2017. By Jens in Developers Life | Learning

I published in a recent newsletter how I learn. Today, it’s moving from the secret labs to the open space.

Change is Inevitable - Do you Adapt or Go Extinct?

Last Update: 06.11.2017. By Jens in Developers Life | Learning

I recently stumbled upon a cartoon which made that really visually - it is a bit harsh but pretty accurate.

leaves change


Last Update: 17.10.2017. By Jens in APIs | Learning

Or when is a REST API a REST API? That is the question. And there is no easy answer. Let’s take a closer look.

Review: Python Hunting Book

Last Update: 28.07.2017. By Jens in Developers Life | Learning | python | pygame

I recently stumbled up on a book about game programming with PyGame for beginners. Even I am not the target audience it did catch my attention and my desire to play a bit again with game development and Python. And I had a fantastic time so far :-)

Why You Should Think Twice Before Even Considering Polyglot Microservices

Last Update: 22.07.2017. By Jens in Developers Life | Learning

Microservices can be a good solution for a particular problem. But, sometimes they are not a good fit. One of the aspects involved is that developers praise the benefit that you can develop every service in your landscape in a perfectly fitting tech stack for a given problem. Honestly, this can become your worst nightmare, so I will cover why you should think twice about this before going that route.

How Minimalism can Help You to Bootstrap Your Own Business

Last Update: 28.06.2017. By Jens in Developers Life | Learning

It’s been now a few months that I quit my job and went on doing my own business. It’s tough so and totally different than being an employee. But, that’s not the topic for today. Today, I’ll show you what helped me the most with starting and going on my journey.

3 Learning Mistakes Developers Make

Last Update: 14.06.2017. By Jens in Developers Life | Learning

Learning can be fun or hard or maybe both. For me, it’s often a mix of both. I developed my own learning style over many, many years. It usually works well for me and I pick up new topics, be it a new programming paradigm, language or business stuff, pretty straight forward. However, when I tried to learn some basic Japanese last year, I forgot everything and made some common mistakes again.

Do you learn with video courses?

Last Update: 10.05.2017. By Jens in Developers Life | Learning

While researching alternatives to publishing books for programming related topics, I noticed that video courses get more and more common as the medium. I started wondering if works for coding related topics.