Upcoming release of Imago v08

Last Update: 27.12.2009. By azarai in Javascript | imago

I did redesign my photo gallery some time ago and therefor did refactore Imago - An AJAX Image gallery.


  • refactored xhtml structure;all generated xhtml, except the thumbs table, was removed in javascript and can now be specified in your xhtml file
  • updated to mootools 1.2.x and therefor it doesnt run with mootools 1.11 anymore
  • image prefetching is now always on for thumbnails and first main image

My gallery already uses the new imago version. Seems to work well, but i still need to write some docs and redesign the imago site itself prior to release and hope to get it done soon.

Go check it out and c&c are always welcome :-)

And btw i created an own feed for Imago infos and it includes all blog post about Imago.