How to Build a nice looking Product Box for Amazon Affiliate Sites

Last Update: 11.06.2016. By Jens in tools | python

Lately, I’ve been venturing into building niche sites. Besides the business, I am also always curious what technic other use to create their sites.

Colourlovers Palette Downloader

Last Update: 20.12.2012. By azarai in python | tools

I like Colourlovers and frequently use it. But one thing that really bugged me all the time was that i could not download all color palettes i’ve ever favoured. Nothing in the UI, not even through the api. At least one could find them again with the search. But to click on each of my favorites palettes and than on the download link was to tedious…

The Openpixels Character Editor is born

Last Update: 19.08.2010. By azarai in python | tools

Some time ago i was browsing for 2d sprites again and somehow run accross a nice collection called Openpixels. It’s a set of pixelart characters in classic rpg orientation provided in gimp format, with all stuff in its own layer, so you can create alot of different characters. Even i am not a fan of pixelart, i felt in love with them and the urge to make an editor for them. Yeah and last friday i spend my spare time creating an online editor for them called Openpixels Character Editor. Go check it out and if your interested in the development, come back :-)

A flash game portal with python

Last Update: 02.06.2010. By azarai in python | tools

Some month ago i wrote about the mochiads api and introduced my python mochi lib for working with some aspects of the moch ads api. I did also mention i was writing something, and tada was a game portal for flash games. After some hacking time i opened up my own flash game protal, and forgot it til today :-) And now i’ll share the code with you.

Moosmug - New Version

Last Update: 30.11.2009. By azarai in Javascript | tools

Just a short notice that i updated my Moosmug - Javascript Access to Smugmug for usage with mootools 1.2.x. The older version for mootools 1.11 stays online too.

Rabid Ratings for Django

Last Update: 22.06.2008. By azarai in Javascript | django | python | snipplet | tools

For my new pet project i’d like to have some nice fancy starlike rating stuff, but without stars :-) Luckily i found one over at ajaxrain called Rabid Ratings. It uses nice looking hearts and is a out of the box combo with ajax and a php backend. Yep there was my prob again, php. So i took a look at the php backend and decided to quickly port the main logic to my django app and make it available to the public.

Markie - A Simple Markdown Editor

Last Update: 31.01.2008. By Kerim in python | tools

Ever since Azarai switched to Django and Markdown i spent too much time trying to make a blog entry look nice. I don’t know why but it definetly is too much for me type in some syntax, save and then have to refresh a browserview.


Last Update: 15.01.2008. By Axel in game development | java | tools | Algorithms

Strategic game programming is a fascinating subject, that I have been attracted to for several years now. I always wanted to implement my own chess program but that seemed to complicated for the beginning. Therefore I started with Reversi and a simple minimax alogrithm on my beloved Amiga. Then I turned to chess and learned about more sophisticated variations of the minimax.

Website Builder - The Beginning

Last Update: 10.01.2008. By azarai in python | tools

Last Update 2017: Successor of this project is Moopato Website Builder

Printing the content of a directory in windows

Last Update: 26.09.2007. By kerim in tools

Do you remember the good old times when you used to print the results of a simple “DIR” command ? This “feature” has been absent since Windows 95. Of course you still can start the command line and issue the dir command but normally printers are managed by windows these days and do not have to reside on “lpt1:”.