Should I learn Spring or Spring Boot?

Last Update: 15.01.2020. By Jens in Spring Boot | Learning | Developers Life

There is a lot of confusion about Spring Boot and its relationship to the Spring Framework. Some of that leads to questions like “Should I learn Spring Boot rather than the Spring Framework” or “Do I need to know Spring before I can start with Spring Boot?”. Let’s clarify that for you.

Developers Are The Problem, Not Monoliths

Last Update: 07.02.2019. By Jens in Developers Life | Learning

In a recent post I wrote about why you should not use microservice I mentioned on the side, that developers are the problem for the nightmare monoliths. And not only for that, for much more.

How to Relax for Developers

Last Update: 20.08.2018. By Jens in Developers Life | Newsletter

Sitting all day in front of a screen, iterating over thinking, typing out code and debugging it, is tough. This alone will exhaust you sooner than later. Now add those meetings and even office politics and you will be brain dead at the end of a working day.

Programming sucks, I quit

Last Update: 15.08.2018. By Jens in Developers Life | Learning | Newsletter

Sick of deadlines? Sick of project managers, boss, customers or whatever? Coding was once a dream of yours and now it drags you down. Each time you even think about it? Dreading Mondays? Thinking, why am I doing this shit?

Devs are like moths...

Last Update: 14.08.2018. By Jens in Developers Life | Learning | Newsletter

Somehow complexity attracts devs like light attracts moths. They can’t resist, we can’t resist.

Don't neglect the basics

Last Update: 13.08.2018. By Jens in Developers Life | Learning | Newsletter

I was giving a Spring Boot training last week and during the course, I made some observations, which I like to share with you over this week.

Nothing runs as planned and why you should have a plan anyways

Last Update: 06.08.2018. By Jens in Developers Life | Learning | Newsletter

Plans never work out.

Passion clouds rational

Last Update: 18.07.2018. By Jens in Developers Life | Learning | Newsletter

Let’s take the neverending discussion of testing vs no testing.

Why people pay you

Last Update: 17.07.2018. By Jens in Developers Life | Learning | Newsletter

Yeah, for your passion of course.

Passion about unit testing is worthless

Last Update: 16.07.2018. By Jens in Developers Life | Learning | Newsletter

I’m having a problem with this passion word and thing for a long time. Passion is bullshit. I read it again a few minutes earlier where a fellow dev proudly states he’s passionate about unit testing. Yeah, I am passionate about hammers too. And chainsaws. Especially last Friday (13th).