Last Update: 26.05.2007. By azarai in game development | resource tip
One of the first content you will need is a terrain, a place where your characters can walk over. There are two possible mainstream ways for creating one in most game engine, via heightmap or mesh (just a normal model). Most of the terrain creation tools we’ve tested could also export the terrain as a mesh (3ds or obj).
Last Update: 26.05.2007. By azarai in game development | resource tip
Lately Kerim and i got interested in Game and 3D Graphics Development again and were thinking about resurecting our old afford from last year, MBWS. Guess you never heard of it and that’s no wonder at all. We didn’t release more then a short terrain test demo. After some struggling with the engine, we finally got distracted by other stuff. Anyways now we are back, but with a different goal and way. But we’d like to share some experience and tools we found.
Last Update: 15.05.2007. By kerim in game development | python | snipplet
Ever tried to create names for Roleplaying Games (and other things) ?
In the process of implementing an MMORPG i asked myself how that could be done. Might be usefull for NPCs for example.
I found a nice article here about the topic but sadly the code didn’t work anymore.
Last Update: 11.04.2007. By azarai in Javascript | imago
As i am using it myself, i thought it could be useful for others. If your using picasa and imago, just grap the download and unpack the web template in (picasa inst)\web\templates , (re)start Picasa and use the new exporter.
Last Update: 08.04.2007. By kerim in gui | python
I am not sure if wxPython has a textfield allowing only for numbers (floats or ints).
I found an old mailinglist entry for such a thing and made some changes to the code.
Last Update: 08.04.2007. By kerim in matrix | python
Hi everybody,
Azarai has some problems with his new hoster, mainly the problem that he only as one ftp account.
This causes me a lot of trouble since i can’t easily upload new releases (if there are any at all).
Last Update: 26.03.2007. By kerim in python
Ever wanted to show your free memory (or other things) in the system tray ?
Since i had a really bad celeron based desktop with 1 gigabyte ram and eclipse consuming some 500 megabytes alone i so often ran into trouble that i thought i might just as well program some tracking program to know when it is time to close some of the applications that i run in paralel.
Since by now i have a 2 gigabyte core 2 duo tower the program is not really needed (for now) anymore.
But i thought i could share it still.
Last Update: 07.03.2007. By kerim in python | tutorial
MailSneaker Part 4: Wrapping it up the simple way
Last Update: 07.03.2007. By kerim in matrix | python
Thanks to Azarai’s wonderful migration to a new host i can’t upload my new Matrix code here but i already uploaded it to google code at least.
Last Update: 17.02.2007. By azarai in python | review
Remember Feedjack? The feed aggregator written in python with django webframework i wrote a while ago about. Today i’ll give you a short summary of it, as i’ve lately installed a version for my own personal use. Of course you can use it too. Check it out.