SVG Sierpinski Carpet Generator

Last Update: 20.04.2010. By kerim in natural | pysvg | python | Algorithms

Coded as described in the Construction section (square based part) in Wikipedia. SVG export requires pySVG.


Last Update: 15.01.2008. By Axel in game development | java | tools | Algorithms

Strategic game programming is a fascinating subject, that I have been attracted to for several years now. I always wanted to implement my own chess program but that seemed to complicated for the beginning. Therefore I started with Reversi and a simple minimax alogrithm on my beloved Amiga. Then I turned to chess and learned about more sophisticated variations of the minimax.

Lindenmayer Systems using Python

Last Update: 21.12.2007. By Kerim in natural | python | Algorithms

A few days ago i posted some code to create screens with stars and galaxies. Today i introduce a new part usable for creating Lindenmayer Systems.

Starfields and Galaxies with Python

Last Update: 19.12.2007. By kerim in natural | pygame | python | tutorial | Algorithms

A long time ago i spend a lot of my resources programming fractals and “natural” phenomenons. Since my last adventure with pygame i was playing around with the idea of implementing some algorithms of old times in python anew and use pygame to test them. A small module that creates screens with stars on it is what i will speak about here.