Create your own textformat and parse it

Last Update: 27.12.2010. By azarai in python | snipplet

For my cv i maintain a list of all projects i worked on to give a bit more information than a typical german cv does. Each project entry contains a name and description, what my job and role was and which technology was mainly used and when it was. I used OpenOffice several years for this task, but was never quite lucky with it as i always had to fix the layout after i added a new entry… But this time it bothered me once too often, so i had to code something :-)

pySVG - 0.2.1

Last Update: 12.10.2010. By kerim in pysvg | python

I just updated pySVG to 0.2.1.

The Openpixels Character Editor is born

Last Update: 19.08.2010. By azarai in python | tools

Some time ago i was browsing for 2d sprites again and somehow run accross a nice collection called Openpixels. It’s a set of pixelart characters in classic rpg orientation provided in gimp format, with all stuff in its own layer, so you can create alot of different characters. Even i am not a fan of pixelart, i felt in love with them and the urge to make an editor for them. Yeah and last friday i spend my spare time creating an online editor for them called Openpixels Character Editor. Go check it out and if your interested in the development, come back :-)

Export a diigo list to markdown

Last Update: 08.08.2010. By azarai in python | snipplet

I use diigo as my bookmarking service and specially their list feature for collecting links of a research topic. Occasionally i need to export a list as markdown syntax. Luckily they got an api and theres also a python modul for it. So some minutes later this snippet was born:

Using kwargs to initialize an object

Last Update: 20.07.2010. By kerim in python | snipplet

Way to many (possible and/or optional) parameters for a class? Here is a 5 second tip for all those old style Java-type-programmers…

Playing a mp3 stream with python

Last Update: 07.06.2010. By azarai in python | snipplet

I listen to web radios aka music streams alot and usually do not really care how the players work. But recently i got somehow curious about how to play a mp3 stream with python. And it should run on my windows box. That made my search a bit difficult. But i found a solution, the GStreamer lib. It has python bindings and windows builds, hurray. But actually it didn’t look like it would be a simple 1 minute installation and it wasn’t. To save you the time, i wrote this summary of my installation.

A flash game portal with python

Last Update: 02.06.2010. By azarai in python | tools

Some month ago i wrote about the mochiads api and introduced my python mochi lib for working with some aspects of the moch ads api. I did also mention i was writing something, and tada was a game portal for flash games. After some hacking time i opened up my own flash game protal, and forgot it til today :-) And now i’ll share the code with you.

The future of Imago

Last Update: 01.05.2010. By azarai in Javascript | imago

If you are a user of Imago you might already noticed that there hasn’t been a new release for some month now. Frankly i do not spend much time improving it, neither do i really have the motivation. On the other site i’ve been thinking for while what i should do with Imago. Now i found a solution i feel comfortable with and you my fellow users are involved.

SVG Sierpinski Carpet Generator

Last Update: 20.04.2010. By kerim in natural | pysvg | python | Algorithms

Coded as described in the Construction section (square based part) in Wikipedia. SVG export requires pySVG.

Free books on Python programming

Last Update: 09.04.2010. By kerim in python | resource tip

Occationally Stumple Upon gives me nice pages that i didn’t know anything about before.