Last Update: 08.11.2009. By kerim
What can I say?
Last Update: 17.10.2009. By azarai in game development | pyglet | python
I did enhance my little effect animation demo and added a little utility that will make life much easier for converting LexusX particle animations to real transparent pngs too.
Last Update: 02.10.2009. By kerim in python
After the discussion here, i just spent some hour thinking about an initial (first, rudimentary, basic, not satisfying, almost bad) solution for the problem (that works only for windows) on how to deal with python code that should run on a system that has no python.
Last Update: 29.09.2009. By kerim in pysvg | python
I just updated pySVG to 0.2.0 skipping some four 0.0.1s in the process. Go and grab it either as zip directly or take a look at the current repository.
Last Update: 29.09.2009. By kerim in python
Today i read a post on why python deployment sucks. Reading through it i had to agree very often. I think nothing that is mentioned in that post is actually new or hasn’t been “thought” about by most. Well at least i have thought about it several times in the past. What was missing however was (as usual) a solution.
Last Update: 24.09.2009. By azarai in game development | pyglet | python
Last time i made a small demo using prerendered particle effects. Today i’ll show another way of doing particle effects with python and pyglet. Instead of animating prerendered graphics i am going to use a particle system to create effects in realtime. The one i am using is [py-lepton] ( “link to py-lepton site”):
Last Update: 23.09.2009. By kerim in python
A long, long time ago someone told me that multiple inheritence is a very bad, bad thing.
Last Update: 20.09.2009. By azarai in game development | pyglet | python
While browsing through deviantart i run across some nice prerendered particle effects. The effects are made for RPG Maker VX and cover mostly some kind of magic spells. Game use is allowed. So we got effect animations, pyglet and some spare time. Let the fun begin.
Last Update: 11.09.2009. By azarai in python
We are using Jira as an Issue and Bug tracker at work. Lately we had the need to access it from external systems. Luckily Jira itself does provide a remote API in form of XML-RPC and SOAP. And i did not have any language constraints, so i could use python ;-) After looking in the API docs i noticed they do also provide some python examle. Great, even they use SOAPPy. SOAPPy does not work in python >= 2.5 and seem to be dead anyways. Some googling later i found the new soap kid for python, suds. And its dead simple. Heres an example accessing the public jira with their tutorial users:
Last Update: 27.02.2009. By azarai in python | resource tip
I was recently browsing in a local bookstore and, not sure why i looked at flash books in the first place, i stumpled upon “Foundation ActionScript 3.0 Animation: Making Things Move!”(Amazon: COM
, DE
). The book is about coding animations and covers things like basic movement, collision detections, bouncing, forward and inverse kinematics, and more. Or said in their own words: