Last Update: 28.02.2010. By kerim in natural | pysvg | python
My python pySVG just got a mate named Trundle the turtle (named after a turtle in my kids english school book). For a while now I haven’t coded much for pySVG. I had a lot of requests and emails though and one of those involves resurrecting parts of my old abandoned lib for representing natural phenomena.
Last Update: 24.01.2010. By azarai in python
Some time ago while going to work one of those silly ideas sneaked into my mind. I started wondering how it would look like if i take a picture, grayscale it and replace ranges of gray with a color. I’d image something like popart, you know. But i got more curious about the result if only the computer did the work.
Last Update: 17.01.2010. By kerim in python | snipplet
I know it sounds trivial but as usual the trivial things are those that are most annoying. Running through the harddrive of my notebook i came accross way to much garbage manifesting itself through empty directories.
Last Update: 09.01.2010. By azarai in game development | python
From time to time i stumble across map editors for 2D games, sometimes useable, sometimes just demos and of course the occasional jewel. I finally decided to maintain a list post of my findings.
Last Update: 02.01.2010. By azarai in Javascript | imago
As mentioned earlier i present today Imago version 0.8 and also the updated Imago JAlbum skin.
Last Update: 27.12.2009. By azarai in Javascript | imago
I did redesign my photo gallery some time ago and therefor did refactore Imago - An AJAX Image gallery.
Last Update: 27.12.2009. By azarai in python
For a new project of mine i needed to get the game data from mochimedia. As they provide an useful api i searched for an existing and easy to use solution, but besides django-arcade, a full arcade site, i didn’t find anything. As the design of django arcade did not fit my needs, i rolled my own. So python mochi was born.
Last Update: 01.12.2009. By azarai in pyglet | python
In Animating a Scene with pyglet - first version i said my wind effect did not look natural. Luckily Casey Duncan, the developer of [py-lepton] ( “link to py-lepton site”), dropped in and gave me the tip to use the drag controller instead of the magnet. Drag is designed for simulating particles moving through fluids such as air or water. Too bad it’s not in the docs and i overlooked it in the demos. Anyways, i switched the particle controller, tweaked it a bit and now my animated scene does look much better. Hurray and a big thank you.
Last Update: 30.11.2009. By azarai in Javascript | tools
Just a short notice that i updated my Moosmug - Javascript Access to Smugmug for usage with mootools 1.2.x. The older version for mootools 1.11 stays online too.
Last Update: 28.11.2009. By azarai in pyglet | python
Some time after i wrote (Rendering particles in realtime with py-lepton)[ “Rendering particles in realtime with py-lepton”], i got the idea of creating an animated scene with “flowers falling from a tree and get blown away by wind”. Today i got the time to actually code a first simple version.