Last Update: 28.05.2018. By Jens in python | resource tip | Developers Life
Last Update May 2018
Last Update: 20.04.2017. By Jens in Developers Life | Learning | resource tip
It all started a few years ago that I felt stuck in my career as a software developer. For years I’ve been following the typical way of learning and dabbling with new technologies, mainly in my spare time or on occasion on the day job. Tech was fun, and I always love learning new things. However, when I felt stuck I realized that my previous ways did bring me so far, but they do not take me any further. It doesn’t matter if you’re an employee, freelancer or owning a small agency. At some point, there’s a glass ceiling for money and the kind of work you do.
Last Update: 08.03.2017. By Jens in game development | resource tip
I haven’t done any game development for a long time. However, I still stumble regularly upon great resources for game graphics; free and paid. So, I decided to curate a collection here on my blog.
Last Update: 09.04.2010. By kerim in python | resource tip
Occationally Stumple Upon gives me nice pages that i didn’t know anything about before.
Last Update: 27.02.2009. By azarai in python | resource tip
I was recently browsing in a local bookstore and, not sure why i looked at flash books in the first place, i stumpled upon “Foundation ActionScript 3.0 Animation: Making Things Move!”(Amazon: COM
, DE
). The book is about coding animations and covers things like basic movement, collision detections, bouncing, forward and inverse kinematics, and more. Or said in their own words:
Last Update: 18.05.2008. By azarai in imago | resource tip | review
Lately i got the idea of running a photoblog and was searching for an easy and simple solution with no complicated setup and a strong focus on the photo itself. And even to my own surprise i did find a great one, Picoplog.
Last Update: 23.12.2007. By azarai in gui | resource tip
If your a bit like me, your really appreciate open source web design and know probably some of the good template sites out there too. Yesterday i was browsing some of them, The Open Design Community, to name the best imho. Looking for ideas and complete templates for some upcoming projects and a site redesign for imago. I found some good, but not actually what i was looking for until i stumpled up on Textual.
Last Update: 26.05.2007. By azarai in resource tip
I created a CodeBoje Developer Resource group over at Its focused on developing and some 2d/3d related stuff due to our game dev tries.
Last Update: 26.05.2007. By azarai in game development | resource tip
Now you got your terrain and can probably already walk on it, buts boring. There isn’t anything your your wide world. You need the famous content, specially 3D models and textures. Stuff you see and can interact with. Thats a hard point for the normal average coder and much will struggle. You will either need an artistic “talent” and are willing to learn the tools or have some artist which do the work. Dont underestimate this point. Spend money or model yourself and look for supporting artist later when your almost finish with game handling.
Last Update: 26.05.2007. By azarai in game development | resource tip
One of the first content you will need is a terrain, a place where your characters can walk over. There are two possible mainstream ways for creating one in most game engine, via heightmap or mesh (just a normal model). Most of the terrain creation tools we’ve tested could also export the terrain as a mesh (3ds or obj).